Fan WU 吴凡

Fan WU 吴凡

Undergraduate Student


Hello and welcome to my academic profile! My name is Fan Wu and I am currently a fourth-year undergraduate student pursuing degrees in Agricultural Engineering and Statistics at Zhejiang University (ZJU). Since 2021, I have been working as a research intern at Prof. Mingchuan Zhou's group. Currently, I am working on my undergraduate thesis in the research group of Prof. Hongjian Lin. My research topic is individual recognition of eggs based on machine vision.

During my first two years of undergraduate studies, I was actively involved in the ARC Robotics Club, supervised by Prof. Huanyu Jiang and Prof. Zunzhong Ye. As a mechanical structure designer, I contributed to the development of a seedling transplanting robot and a strawberry orchard management robot. Both robots won first place in domestic and international robotics competitions.

Thank you for visiting my profile. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or would like to learn more about my research and experiences.

Research interests

  • Image processing
  • Data analytics
  • Reinforcement learning in the field of agricultural robotics



Undergraduate Student
Zhejiang University
College of Biosystems Engineering and Food Science Agricultural Engineering
Aug 2019 - Present Hangzhou, China
Undergraduate Student
Zhejiang University
School of Mathematical Science Statistics
Aug 2019 - Present Hangzhou, China

Honors and Awards

  • Outstanding Student of Zhejiang University, 2022
  • Kangerda Scholarship , 2022
  • Best Overall in the Standard Division of the 2021 ASABE Robotics Competition, 2021
  • Excellent community member of Zhejiang University, 2021
  • Third Prize of Zhejiang College Students Physics Innovation Competition, 2020
  • Special prize of 2020 China Agricultural Robot Competition, 2020
  • Second Prize of Zhejiang Higher Mathematics Competition, 2020